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Is it dangerous to travel in India as a woman ?

The aim of this article is to write about my life in India as a western woman to deconstruct some common beliefs about this topic. I share my own story and experiences and am mindful that these will differ for each woman who has done the same or plans to in future. In France, to tell your relatives, you are going to India in France is not something that is usually warmly welcomed and even less when you are a woman. Before my departure, I heard a lot of people saying "she's crazy" , " she's taking risks" . In our collective psyche, India is a dangerous country for women. Personnally, I found the notion of it forbidding myself to visit this country I had been dreaming of, due to just my gender, to be gross shame. More than that, I believe it is not acting in favour of  equality between men and women to boycott a entire country because it is perceived as being too dangerous to visit as a woman. To me, this reasoning is the same as the idea which stat

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Est-il si dangereux de voyager en Inde pour une femme?

A la rencontre de projets alternatifs indiens

Portrait de femmes fortes

Mon volontariat en Inde

Mes premiers jours en Inde